Video and Examples

Learn how to find the percent one number is to another. Sample: What percent of this figure is shaded in?

In the previous lesson, you estimated the percent of the square that was shaded in. In this lesson we learn how to calculate the exact percent that is shaded in.

What percent of this figure is shaded?

To solve this question, we need to remember that 100% represents the "whole" or "the entire thing" - in this case, the five rectangles. The percent we are looking for refers to the three rectangles that are shaded.

There are many ways to solve the above problem. Here are a few of them:

Method 1 Method 2 Method 3

 Notice that all three methods result in the same answer: 60% of the figure is shaded.


Example 2

Three out of the eight pieces of fruit are bananas. What percent of the fruit are bananas?

 Again, there are many ways to solve this problem. Here are just a few methods:

Method 1 Method 2 Method 3

 Regardless of the method used, 37.5% of the fruit are bananas.





Question 1

What percent of this figure is shaded?


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Question 2

There are five balls on a shelf. Three of them are soccer balls. What percent of the balls are soccer balls?


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Question 3

On a volleyball team with 8 girls, 5 of them are left-handed. What percent are left-handed?


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Last modified: Sunday, 19 April 2020, 10:10 AM