Video and Examples
A fraction is a number that describes part of a whole number. Because fractions are numbers just like 5, or 2, or 23, they live on a number line.
A fraction is a number that describes part of a whole number. Because fractions are numbers just like 5, or 2, or 23, they live on a number line.
A fraction is made up of a numerator and a denominator:
- The denominator tells how many parts each unit interval has been cut into.
- The numerator tells how many of those parts you have.
For example, in the fraction the denominator 8 means each unit interval has been cut into 8 parts. The numerator 5 means you want to start at 0 and move to the right five parts.
Similarly, the fraction means each whole step has been cut into 8 parts and you want to move to the right 11 parts.
This picture is also a visual representation that
is equal to
To identify where lives on a number line, you need to recognize that each whole unit has been cut into 4 parts and you need to move to the right nine parts.
This is a good way to show that is equal to
Where is point Q located on the number line?
First count the number of parts the distance from 0 to 1 has been
cut into: 8 parts
Secondly, count the number of parts Q is to the right of 0: 6 parts.
Where is point Q located on the number line?
There are two ways to think of where Q is on the number line.
The red arcs show that Q is located at .
The green arc shows that Q is located at .
Duane Habecker, Created with GeoGebra
Question 1 Where is Q on the number line?
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Question 2 Where is Q on the number line?![]()
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Question 3 Where is Q on the number line?![]()
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