Video and Examples

These two videos will show you how to subtract fractions that require regrouping. Sample 2\frac{1}{3}\,-\,1\frac{1}{2}\,=


To subtract fractions that require regrouping, there are four steps you must follow:

  1. Rename with common denominators
  2. Regroup the first fraction
  3. Subtract the whole numbers and numerators
  4. Simplify (if necessary)
The problem 2\frac{1}{3}\,-\,1\frac{1}{2}\,=
Rename with common denominators 2\frac{2}{6}\,-\,1\frac{3}{6}\,=
Regroup the first fraction 1\frac{8}{6}\,-\,1\frac{3}{6}\,=
Subtract \frac{5}{6}
Simplify (if necessary)  not needed on this problem



Example 1: 3\frac{2}{5}\,-\,2\frac{4}{5}\,=

Step 1: Model the first number

Step 2: Regroup the first number

Step 3: Subtract


Example 2: 4\frac{3}{7}\,-\,2\frac{5}{7}\,=

Step 1: Model the first number

Step 2: Regroup the first number

Step 3: Subtract


So far, the examples shown have not involved fractions with different denominators. Before subtracting fractions with different denominators, you must first rename both fractions with a common denominator.

Example 3: 3\frac{1}{2}\,-\,1\frac{2}{3}\,=

Step 1: Re-write the problem with common denominators



Step 2: Model the first number

Step 3: Regroup the first number

Step 4: Subtract

 In summary, subtracting fractions that require regrouping is a 4-step process:

  1. Re-write the problem using common denominators
  2. Model the first number
  3. Regroup the first number by cutting one whole into fractional parts
  4. Subtract the fractions


For more practice with fractions, please try this Fraction Calculator.





Question 1






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Question 2






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Question 3






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Last modified: Thursday, 16 April 2020, 2:16 PM